DSquares System

Components and Interactions:

  1. Databases: These databases serve as the initial source of user data relevant to marketing campaigns. The specific data types stored may include loyalty data, demographics, purchase history, and website interaction details.

  2. Kafka Cluster: This component acts as a real-time data streaming platform. It continuously ingests user data from the source databases and streams it toward the central repository and queues.

  3. Data Warehouse (DWH): This centralized repository acts as the primary storage unit for the streamed user data. It consolidates information from all source databases into a single location.

  4. Data Intelligence: This block represents a data transformation engine. It processes the raw user data stored in the DWH. This processing likely involves tasks such as:

    • Data Cleansing: Removing inconsistencies or errors within the data.

    • Data Filtering: Selecting relevant data points for campaign purposes.

    • Data Transformation: Converting or restructuring data into a format suitable for C-Cubed.

  5. Campaign Engine: This engine leverages the transformed user data for various campaign management activities. Some potential functionalities include:

    • User Segmentation: Grouping users based on shared characteristics to deliver targeted campaigns.

    • Campaign Content Personalization: Tailoring campaign content to resonate with specific user segments.

    • Campaign Performance Tracking: Monitoring and analyzing key metrics to gauge campaign effectiveness.

  6. Campaign Configuration: Previous systems provide the Campaign Engine with essential details about the specific marketing campaign it manages. Examples of configuration data include:

    • Target Audience Definition: Specifying the user groups intended for the campaign.

    • Reward Configuration: Select a suitable reward type either a voucher or points.

    • Message Building: Create a customized message for the campaign.

  7. Transactions Center: A centralized transactions system that logs all data from systems, and handles the systems flow and communication between each other.

  8. Redemption Engine: Responsible for claiming the reward from the loyalty systems.

  9. Payment Service: Handles different payment processes in the system.

  10. Channels Service: Send final campaign messages to users using the user's most engaged channel.

Overall System Flow:

  1. User data resides in multiple databases.

  2. Kafka continuously streams this data to the Data Warehouse.

  3. Data Intelligence cleans, filters, and transforms the data within the DWH.

  4. The transformed data is then delivered to the Campaign Engine and the Transactions Center.

  5. The Campaign Engine leverages the data for campaign management tasks alongside the received campaign configuration details.

  6. The Transactions Center processes user actions or transactions triggered by the campaign.

  7. Campaign contacts Rewarding Engine which pushes the campaign to the Channels Service.

  8. Channels Service sends the message to the users using the selected channel.

Last updated