
The sequence diagram provides a comprehensive view of the system’s architecture and the interactions between its components during the campaign creation and execution process.

It highlights the importance of each service in the workflow and the sequential nature of the interactions, ensuring a cohesive and efficient operation.

  1. User: The process is initiated by the user, who logs into the system with the intent to create a new marketing campaign.

  2. Identity Service: This component is responsible for verifying the user’s identity. It ensures that only authorized personnel can create or modify campaigns.

  3. Campaign Service: After successful authentication, the user interacts with the Campaign Service to input the new campaign’s details, such as its objectives, target audience, budget, and duration.

  4. Segmentation Service: Utilizing the information provided by the Campaign Service, the Segmentation Service classifies the potential audience into different segments based on behavior, and other relevant criteria.

  5. Data Cluster: This component is a data management system that provides the Segmentation Service with access to up-to-date and relevant data, which is crucial for accurately targeting the audience segments.

  6. Rewarding Engine: The Rewarding Engine, is tasked with calculating and distributing rewards to the campaign participants. It uses predefined success metrics to determine reward eligibility and amounts.

  7. Transactions Center: It handles all transaction-related activities for the campaign. It logs all data from systems and handles the system's flow and communication between each other.

  8. Channels Service: The final component in the sequence, sends final campaign messages to users using the user's most engaged channel.

Interaction Flow:

  • The User starts the interaction by logging into the system and providing campaign details to the Campaign Service.

  • The Identity Service authenticates the user, ensuring secure access to the system’s functionalities.

  • The Campaign Service collects the campaign parameters from the user and passes them to the Segmentation Service.

  • The Segmentation Service requests and receives data from the Data Cluster to effectively segment the target audience.

  • The Transactions Center is then engaged to manage the flow of the campaign either to send it to the channels service or send it back to the Campaign Service to launch the campaign.

  • Channels Service sends the message to the users using the selected channel.

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