Payment Service

The Payment Service is a critical component of our platform, responsible for handling payment processing and integrating with third-party payment aggregators. This document provides an overview of the architecture and functionality of the Payment Service, including its integration with Basata and Sahl payment aggregators.


The Payment Service follows a modular architecture, consisting of the following key components:

  1. APIs: The Payment Service exposes a set of unified APIs to facilitate seamless interaction with clients. These APIs include:

    • Payment API: Allows clients to initiate payment transactions.

    • Calculate Fees API: Calculates fees associated with payment transactions.

    • GetServices List API: Retrieves a list of available payment services.

  2. Third-Party Payment Integrations: The Payment Service integrates with two third-party payment aggregators:

    • Basata: A payment aggregator providing payment processing services.

    • Sahl: Another payment aggregator offering payment solutions.

  3. Client Identification: The Payment Service identifies clients based on the client ID passed to the APIs. This client ID determines the specific implementation of the payment aggregator to which the transaction will be directed.


The Payment Service offers the following functionality to clients:

  1. Payment Processing: Clients can initiate payment transactions using the Payment API. Upon receiving a payment request, the Payment Service determines the appropriate payment aggregator based on the client ID and forwards the transaction accordingly.

  2. Fee Calculation: The Calculate Fees API allows clients to estimate the fees associated with a payment transaction. The Payment Service computes the fees based on the transaction details and relevant parameters.

  3. Service Listing: Clients can retrieve a list of available payment services using the GetServices List API. This functionality enables clients to view the range of payment options supported by the platform.

Integration with Third-Party Aggregators

The Payment Service seamlessly integrates with Basata and Sahl payment aggregators to facilitate secure and reliable payment processing. Each payment aggregator implementation adheres to industry standards and protocols for handling transactions securely.

Usage Example

To illustrate the usage of the Payment Service, consider the following example:

  1. Client Initiation: A client initiates a payment transaction by calling the Payment API and providing the necessary transaction details, including the client ID.

  2. Identification: The Payment Service identifies the client based on the provided client ID.

  3. Aggregator Selection: Based on the client ID, the Payment Service selects the appropriate payment aggregator (Basata or Sahl).

  4. Transaction Forwarding: The Payment Service forwards the transaction details to the selected payment aggregator for processing.

  5. Transaction Completion: The payment aggregator processes the transaction and returns the result to the Payment Service.

  6. Response Handling: The Payment Service communicates the transaction outcome to the client, providing relevant information such as transaction status and confirmation details.

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