Merchants Service

The Centralized Merchant Service is a critical component of our platform, responsible for managing merchant information, including branches and SIM numbers, and facilitating integration with various services such as Vouchers and Pointing Services. This document provides an overview of the architecture and functionality of the Centralized Merchant Service.


The Centralized Merchant Service follows a centralized architecture, comprising the following key components:

  1. Merchant Management: The service provides functionality for managing merchant information, including merchant details, branches, and SIM numbers. It serves as the central repository for all merchant-related data.

  2. Branch Management: Within the Centralized Merchant Service, branches are organized under their respective merchants. Each branch is associated with one or more SIM numbers.

  3. Integration Services: The Centralized Merchant Service integrates with external services, such as Vouchers and Pointing Services, to push merchant data for further processing. These integration services consume merchant data from the Centralized Merchant Service and perform specific actions based on the received information.


The Centralized Merchant Service offers the following core functionality:

  1. Merchant Information Management:

    • Creation, update, and deletion of merchant profiles.

    • Addition, modification, and removal of branches under each merchant.

    • Assignment of SIM numbers to branches.

  2. Integration with External Services:

    • Pushing merchant data to Vouchers Service: The Centralized Merchant Service sends merchant information, including branch details and SIM numbers, to the Vouchers Service for generating vouchers or promotional offers.

    • Pushing merchant data to Pointing Services: Merchant data is also pushed to Pointing Services for tracking and analyzing customer interactions and transactions.

Usage Example

To illustrate the usage of the Centralized Merchant Service, consider the following example:

  1. Merchant Registration: A new merchant registers on our platform and provides their details, including branch information and SIM numbers.

  2. Branch Addition: The merchant adds new branches and associates SIM numbers with each branch through the Centralized Merchant Service.

  3. Integration with Vouchers Service: When the merchant launches a promotional campaign, the Centralized Merchant Service pushes relevant merchant data to the Vouchers Service, which generates vouchers for distribution to customers.

  4. Integration with Pointing Services: The Centralized Merchant Service also sends merchant data to Pointing Services for tracking customer transactions and interactions at various branches.

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